Monday, August 8, 2011

Filling the new gap for online training needs and benefits

LearnLocker's new online training subscription service has been live for just over two weeks.  At that time LearnLocker announced the Personal³ and Group³ memberships.  Since then the Group³ membership has garnered a lot of attention among small business owners. 

In a time when businesses of all sizes are either downsizing or under a hiring freeze, getting the most out of their employees is "mission critical".  More than ever, employees need to become experts at everything they do.  Now consider the fact that training budgets are usually the first thing to get cut when things get tight.  This poses a serious dilemma for employers with employees that need to improve their skills and productivity.

Employees know that you value them when you invest in them. 
The Group³ membership puts a unique spin on an old solution - eLearning.  After all, businesses of all sizes have been using eLearning as a viable resource for over 10 years.  The transition to eLearning started out slow but has accelerated recently.  Traditional classes, boot camps and even seminars, remain too cost prohibitive to those with varied needs.  Not to mention schedule and travel related issues.

In recent years, several online subscription services jumped into the space to fill the need to provide a library of various training courses under a monthly subscription fee.  While this was a big step in the right direction, it still falls short for those with more employees than dollars to use on these services.  Account sharing is strictly prohibited by all of the online services.  In fact it is the number two cause of account termination, after failure to pay.

Enter the Group³ membership from LearnLocker.  Each membership licensed by the employer comes with three manageable accounts (one subscriber account and two share accounts).  The two share accounts are the real secret here.  There is no additional cost for the two share accounts, they are included free.

For example, the owner of a small business with nine employees has at least three ways they can subscribe to LearnLocker to fill their need.  

Choice 1 - The Traditional Solution
Subscribe to 9 Group³ membership accounts and provide one to each employee.  Now the employee gets the training they need to become an expert with the tools they use everyday.  This choice is similar to all of the other subscription training services on the market today.  However, LearnLocker sets itself apart with the two share accounts.  The employee now has a benefit they can take home.  They can now provide the two share accounts to family or friends as part of their benefit.  Best of all, they can do it "legally" without sharing their login information and putting the company account at risk of usage violations.

Choice 2 - The Frugal Solution
Subscribe to 3 Group³ membership accounts and manage them within the business.  Since each account comes with one subscriber account and two share accounts, the employer can manage it so that all 9 employees get an account at 1/3 the cost of licensing an account for each of them.

Choice 3 - The Ultra Inexpensive Solution
Subscribe to 1 Group³ membership account and mange the two share accounts more actively.  Each share account can be granted and reclaimed an unlimited number of times by the subscriber.  Therefore, an employer can assign the subscriber account to one employee and make that person the account manager to co-ordinate assigning and reclaiming the share accounts amongst the remaining 8 employees.  Companies that license training on CDs and DVDs are already used to a similar situations requiring usage co-ordination.  This type of license is often referred to as a site, share or library license.  This solution requires the most involvement by the employer, but makes the same training available for 1/9 the cost of licensing an account for each of them.

So whether they are looking to provide their employees with a valuable new benefit or to fill a critical learning need for as little as possible, the Group³ membership from LearnLocker is a flexible fit.